Week 42?
Someone mentioned something about the first day of the MTC and that feels like forever ago, so crazy. It's weird how each day feels super long but the week goes by fast but it also doesn't. That probably doesn't make any sense but whatever.
Each day feels like the last so we try to have fun. These last 2 days, me and 2 other elders decided to mix things up and switch ties every time we have a mini-break and I think I ended up wearing 14 ties in one day. One time I was wearing 2 ties at the same time and midclass I took the top tie off to reveal the tie below it haha. We've also listened to some Disney songs en Español (Murphy and I recommend "De Nada" from Moana) and have done some top ten lists with our district outside of class. This week we did top ten movies and Disney movies which were lots of fun but super difficult to make. Our teachers have taught us some games and riddles and one of our teachers references High School Musical so that's pretty fun haha. It makes the day go a lot faster.
Elder Murphy and I are kinda getting tired of the MTC and just wanna go out to the field. We like to teach and have been getting better at it but knowing they're not real investigators makes us less motivated. We did get Lucrecia's contact info so we have the ability to text her now. She's doing well and is recognizing God's love in her life. We've sent her some uplifting messages that we know have been helpful to her. Also, she has the cutest and coolest 1.5-year-old son.
As we get closer to the end of the MTC, Moroni 18:9 is stuck in my head.
"Yea, and are willing to mourn with those that mourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as witnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places..."
I can't wait to serve others and bring the light of Christ into other people's lives.
- Elder Garrick
two ties
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