My first llama and baby yoda

I'm not in Peru yet but I saw a llama this week. I've seen some other unexpected animals here like emus and peacocks. 

Last week I talked about remembering the savior throughout the week. My companion shared this video with me it's kinda like a TEDtalk for the church. I liked it a lot especially because the guy in the video, Yahosh Bonner, was my basketball coach at BYU basketball camp. The Bonner family sings a lot of church music so he may look familiar to some of you. I highly recommend watching this.

Finding Strength in Jesus Christ—Hope Works

We had a lesson with another adult which was nice because they actually ask questions. This lady we taught was a younger mother of 3 kids. We met her at the park with her kids and they played around and interrupted from time to time so it was kinda difficult but the spirit was there. She did really know about Jesus's life on Earth and what he did so I got to talk about that and about the restoration and Joseph Smith. Those are 2 of my favorite things to teach. I still cant remember the first vision word for word because I know the Spanish one better and it's not a direct translation. But the spirit was still there and that's all that matters.

We had another lesson with those 2 kids we've been teaching. Ryler, the 8 year old boy we're preparing for baptism, and Kairi, the girl that wants to be baptized with her mom. We taught them both the plan of salvation. The first time we did it we made this big diagram with bug cut outside to make the plan of salvation more interactive for the kids. We took them through each part as if they were actually going to each place. I had the idea to use a blanket to represent getting a body when we come to earth and losing it when we die and getting it back at the resurrection. It went really well and it was fun.

We did the same thing with kairi but she didn't really want to do the activity but we did basically the same thing. We were at the church building for this lesson so we didn't have a blanket to use which was ok cuz she didn't want to participate anyways. During the lesson I thought about using her baby yoda build-a-bear that she always had with her to show him going through the plan of salvation but I didn't want to stop the lesson. At the end I asked her if she wanted to review. She said no then I said "what if I showed you how baby yoda can go through the plan of salvation?" Her face lit up and gave me her doll. I took baby yoda through the whole plan and made it funny for her and she was loving it! I really enjoy making lessons fun and memorable.

This Saturday our zone had a drive through prayer event. People would show up to our tent and say a prayer with us. Most of the time I held signs (we got a little bit of sun doing that) and people would wave or flip us off or say bad things or members would honk and take pics and videos of us. There was one time where these guys said "mormon b******" to me and Elder Halterman then a truck pulled out in front of them and nearly made then crash and we heard these kids go "WOOOAH" it was hilarious! Anyways I think I had the first non member prayer. I wasn't working at the booth where cars pulled up I was just ob the street corner with a sign and a woman came up to me and my companion. She said "I need a f*****" prayer y'all" she was super frantic and I was trying to be calm as I asked her for her name and what I specific things to pray for. She told me her situation as she cried and then I offered the prayer. I really felt the spirit speaking through me which was amazing. When I finished she was totally calm and relaxed it was like I just met a different person. Super crazy

Don't have much else to say except prayer is powerful

-Elder Garrick

1. The flyer I made- never drawing on a computer again

2. Plan of salvation diagram we made (baby Yoda not included)

3. Got the best pullover at the DI

4. Drive through prayers sign holding ft Elder Halterman

5 and 6. A members indoor and court that they have at their house

7. You're welcome Ben


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